The Threat of Advent
Christmas is a gift to us, grounding us and reminding us of our fragile, fleeting existence. Advent, like Jesus himself, is a challenge to our power—just as he was a threat to Herod’s. It calls us, once more, to come and lay down our greatest treasures before the child, leaving our delicate, tenuous authority at the door.
The Spirit of Gratitude
Advent is a time where we Christians are to reflect and prepare for the celebration of our coming Savior; to prepare our hearts and focus on the love and joy that is only found in Jesus.
Patiently Waiting
Why does God keep on giving us more and more chances? Why does he stay patient when things were not changing? Why does he keep pushing the redemption story forward?
Presence In The Midst of Brokenness
“I’m not alone, because God is at work in me and in the world in ways I don’t see. And because of His presence, sometimes the most profound beauty is found in our most broken places.”