Faith Center Special Needs Inclusion Ministry

Any child/youth that would benefit from accommodations and intentional support during church. We are committed to meeting every family and child where they are and working as a team to find the best ways to support them. 

Anyone is welcome here! No formal diagnosis is required. We also support families with children that use ASL, experience anxiety, ADHD, autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, sensory processing or learning differences, and more. We want to be a resource for families that have children from traumatic backgrounds as well, including foster care and adoption.

Who does this ministry serve?

Our Two-Part Model:
Sidekicks &
The Garden


Sidekicks are paired with a child that they support every other week. They get the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with the family and individual they serve. Sidekicks help their friend navigate church, whether that’s in a traditional classroom, our sensory class, or a bit of both. They always have eyes on their child and talk positively around them. DSPs can be Sidekicks too, if that’s preferred.

The Garden

The Garden is our sensory classroom. It is located on the first floor of 13th Avenue on the left, next to Firehouse. It is an option for any child that has a Sidekick. We recognize the traditional classroom environment doesn’t fit everyone. The Garden serves the need for a calm, quieter, and less stimulating environment. Our goal in this ministry is for children to feel welcome and successful, so if this is where they thrive, wonderful. If they want to attend a traditional class for their favorite parts and then return to the Garden, that’s great too.



Come serve as a Sidekick or a Garden Leader! Sidekicks serve every other week with the same child. Garden Leaders have the option to serve every other week or once a month. The Garden Leader supports Sidekicks as needed and ensures no adult is alone with a child in the Garden. 


We ask that special needs volunteers be graduated from high school and complete an application. Relevant information and training will be provided for all volunteers before you serve so you feel prepared and know the role expectations. If interested, please talk to our Special Needs Inclusion Coordinator!


Share your contact information with our Special Needs Inclusion Coordinator. They will connect with you personally and share the Ministry Intake form with you, which allows us to collect relevant, helpful information to support your child and connect them with a Sidekick.

For more information, contact Veronica Tendick.