13th Avenue
“As for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
Our littlest people (infants-2 ½ years) have their emotional and physical needs attended to with love and care. The Greenhouse and Playhouse are safe, comfortable and well equipped rooms that are baby and toddler friendly.
2 ½ years old- kindergartners start their morning interaction with other children and leaders at activity stations throughout the room. Along with music, a more structured story time is introduced in the Fire House, Farm House and School House. Our preschool and kindergartners gather together for a large-group time of energetic singing and interactive Bible stories that focus on how to live for Jesus.
Grade School
In our grade school program, we want kids to learn more about Jesus and how to live for Him every day. We follow a large group/small group model. In large-group time we meet in the House of Praise for a time of high-energy worship and creative teaching. Small groups take the lesson a step further as they discuss how to apply what they’ve just learned to their lives.
For more information contact Laura Miller.