The Hope of Christ’s Arrival
Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-3
As we enter advent, the celebration of Christ coming to earth, we prepare our hearts to receive and give; hope, peace, joy and love. Surprisingly, the word “hope” never appears in the stories of Jesus birth, yet the stories are as pregnant with hope as Mary was with the Savior of the world.
Reading through the names of people listed in Jesus family tree reveals some faultless examples like Ruth, as well as some “crazy uncles” like Rehoboam. God was involved in the story of Jesus’ family tree, is it possible He is in our family’s story as well?
God gave a lot of guidance to Jesus’ parents, the Magi, the shepherds, yet the direction wasn’t always as complete or as detailed as they may have wanted. Can we fulfill our part in God’s story for His world even if we feel we are obeying incomplete direction from God?
God bypassed so many people who had a “following” to choose ordinary and even displaced people to; welcome His Son, give presents, worship, and spread the news about His Son. Isn’t it probable that God has chosen us this season, ordinary people with no following, to welcome, worship, and spread the good news of Jesus’ birth?
May the God of hope surprise you today, so that you also can offer the hope of Jesus to everyone around you.
The King is coming! Our hope is alive, because He is alive!
Pastor Mark Lemaire